Newsletter – April 2023
Stevens Alumni Day 2022 Our 151st Celebration! With nothing but sun and fair-weather clouds on a gorgeous spring day, the beloved Stevens High Alumni parade kicked off on Broad Street right on time at 10:30 on June 11. The parade date had moved back to its traditional spot on the calendar, the second Saturday in […]

Thank You Class of 1972 for Your Generous Support of the Annual Parade!
On July 18, four members of the Class of 1972, in celebration of their 50th reunion, presented a check to the Alumni Association in the amount of $12,811 to be used in support of the annual parade. The Association is immensely grateful for this contribution allowing us to continue to offer this hugely popular yearly event […]

News from the Class of 1952 – June 2022
Class of 1952 Well, here we are…..ready to celebrate our 70th year out of high school!! Hope there are a few of us out there that will be able to get here in June to celebrate this occasion. So…….I suggest a dinner at a restaurant on Friday, then a get-together the following evening at the […]

Newsletter – May 2022
Stevens Alumni Day 2020 & 2021 Combined Celebration of it’s 149th and 150th Years October 2nd 2021 WE DID IT!!! The Alumni Association’s 150th celebration was one to remember. The fall weather was chillier than that of the usual June warmth, but it didn’t dent the enthusiasm of the 16 classes that showcased their floats […]

President’s Letter – May 2022
Greetings to my fellow Stevens Alumni, Where does the time go? It seems like yesterday we were just starting to plan for our 150th reunion celebration and now it becomes SHS Alumni history. There were many obstacles to overcome the past few years to make our 150th Reunion successful. Due to Covid, our 149th Reunion […]

2021 Parade Recap
Stevens Alumni Day 2020 & 2021 combined Celebration of the 149th and 150th years October 2, 2021 WE DID IT!!! The Alumni Association’s 150th celebration was one to remember. The fall weather was chillier than that of the usual June warmth, but it didn’t dent the enthusiasm of the16 classes that showcased their floats to […]

Alumni Weekend Parade Scheduled for June 11, 2022
A reminder that this year’s alumni weekend is back on our traditional schedule. The parade will take place on June 11, 2022 with the theme of “Those Were The Days My Friends.” All classes interested in having a float in the parade must complete a parade registration form which can be found on the […]

Newsletter – July 2021
Alumni Day Memories As we put last year behind us, we thought it would be fun to reminisce with photos from reunions past. In fact, this whole issue is dedicated to celebrating memories of our common alma mater – Stevens High School. Do you see anyone you recognize in this mix of parade photos from […]

President’s Letter – June 2021
Greetings to my fellow Stevens Alumni, As you are probably aware by now, we have moved the date of our annual alumni festivities and parade to October 2nd, 2021. We hope that with this change, the pandemic will be even more contained and give everyone the opportunity to venture out without the fear of Covid-19 […]